Teoksesta on oma suosikkiesitykseni Willcocksin tiiviillä levyllä, joka pitää löytyä jokaisen itseäänkunnioittavan Carol-fanaatikon hyllystä kunniapaikalta. Ohjelma on yksinkertaisesti niin hieno. Jos tämä levy ei miellytä, cambridgelaiset kuoroperinteet eivät ehkä ole sinun juttusi. Olen aina pitänyt myös kansikuvasta ja haaveillut näkeväni King's Collegen Kappelin jouluaamun valossa niittyjen suunnasta. Kaunis ja värikäs kansi - voiko pastoraalinen Englantikaan olla näin kaunis?
My No 10 seems to be a simply carol by surface, but reaching this sticking to essentials is not easy at all. Richard Terry was an old English choral music specialist and Myn Lyking is a fine example of lullaby. The text is old and laden with beauties.
Choir of King's College Myn Lyking Lyrics
I saw a fair mayden sytten and sing
She lulled a little childe, a sweete Lording.
She lulled a little childe, a sweete Lording.
Lullay mye lyking, my dere sonne, my sweeting.
Lully mydere herte, myn own dere derling.
Lully mydere herte, myn own dere derling.
That same Lord is he that made alle thing,
Of alle lord is his is lord, of alle kynges King.
Of alle lord is his is lord, of alle kynges King.
There was mickle melody at that chylde's birth
All that were in heav'nly bliss, they made mickle myrth.
All that were in heav'nly bliss, they made mickle myrth.
Angels bright sang their song to that chyld;
Blyssid be thou, and so be she, so meek and so mild.
Blyssid be thou, and so be she, so meek and so mild.
Words: Traditional, 15th Century / Music: Richard Ruciman Terry
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